The hottest fashion designers are turning to the past to create the style of the future. Two Phoenix-based designers, YEK and Samantha Vo, will have their work featured in a new Facebook travel series. Inspired by tradition and fueled by upcycling , their creations bring the past and present together to create the looks of tomorrow. YEK drew from his Indigenous heritage to create his moccasin sneakers. Vo was inspired by her Mexican heritage and vintage military styles to transform military surplus bags into new, fashionable works. Inhabitat interviewed these two designers to explore how they’re using sustainable materials and practices for fashion . View this post on Instagram A post shared by @dwn2mrz All of your bags are sold out! When’s the best time for shoppers to look for your bags, and is it possible to pre-order bags? Vo: At the moment, I’m still getting into the flow of producing bags as it is a timely process for me since I make them myself and from my home studio. The
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